Humboldt Electric Vehicle Association

Serving Electric Vehicle Owners
in Humboldt County, California

October 2024

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Breakfast in Bayside Event a Huge Success!
This year's Electric Vehicle show at the Bayside Grange had a fantastic turn-out. Participants and attendees got to see a terrific variety of electric cars, including scooters, NEVs, an Electrak garden tractor, Roger's new Lithium-ion powered Morris Minor, and the exciting new Tesla Roadster. Check out the video below for some highlights!


Humboldt Electric Vehicle Association
Our goal is to educate, promote and share information about electric vehicles. Here you will find information on EVs (Electric Vehicles) through articles and discussions with our members and leaders in the field. Please consider joining this local association. Our hope is to promote a more sustainable transportation future.

Click here if you're interested in joining HEVA or if you have any questions.